Bike riding for children

01/30/2013 06:22

Training a child to ride a bike for the very first time. When I started to write this blog I searched on the internet to see what others wrote about bike training. I couldn't believe what I saw. But then I assume all us parents have gotten and are far removed from our past. I saw instructions for bike riding that I could barely believe it was as if they figure we all awoke wet behind the ears and never road a bike for ourselves!
I have a feeling that you already know to purchase a bike that fits your child's size. I have a strong feeling that you know if you child cannot reach the pedals, to put blocks on the pedals. I am sure you are aware to hold onto the handle bars and walk side by side during the first few attempts that your child makes to ride their bike. I also have a pretty good idea that you will start them off with training wheels! Da, did we all forget how we learned to ride a bike what did we just fall off the back of a truck!

There are a few of good things to prepare your kids with when it comes to bike riding. First, I assume, all of the protective gear that many of us never used when we were learning to ride a bike. I would be remised not to mention the helmet, knee and elbow pads and hand gear. These are items today that are good for a child to wear while riding a bike.

The other important thing is safety and proper bike riding! You want to teach them to always look both ways before crossing the street with their bike you even might tell them to walk the bike across the street as an added protection against any accidents. You will want to teach them the hand singles that are used to turn right or left. Teach them to ride with the traffic not against the traffic. Most important teach them where to ride their bike. You might want to start off with limited areas that you know are safe for them. It takes time to know the use of a bike and children like to expand their territory… I am sure you know to teach them not to ride into other bike riders or anyone walking!

On a serious note; the very most important thing is that this is a bonding experience that you and your child will remember for a life time! Make it one worth remembering by practicing some patience, be understanding with your child. It takes some time to learn to ride a bike. Embrace the moment and enjoy the experience that can come to you and your child while learning or teaching to ride the bike. They love it when you are so very proud of them when they finally accomplish riding their very own first bike. They will remember it for a life time along with all of the love that you showed them relevant site
how to ride a bike for kids