Best selling books of Wenatchee

02/04/2013 05:28

Best books are important just like they are in any other city. What we're doing is something slightly different with books. We will be introducing authors and their readers using a combination of online socializing networks and retail setting. Book-Spot, I guess you could say it is a library filled with books to buy and read but you can talk in it! You can find out about the authors by various interviews, chat with authors, and look over book reviews with much more depth. Book-Spot is all about books and the fun reading them. There are book clubs that you can join, and meet other people with likeminded interests. Best of all you can buy the book directly from the author or their publisher all at one location Book-Spot.


Book-Spot is a free service available to authors and publishers. There are no fees, no percentages it is absolutely free. It is provided by authors as an alternative online source to buy books to read on computer.